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Musicals (digital download)

Some of our most popular music we've ever sung has been our medleys from musicals, and this is the first time we've brought five of them together in one epic package. Featuring huge medleys from five iconic shows, this album showcases one of the things that BeVox does best - musical theatre.


The five shows we've featured include real classics, such as Mary Poppins, hits from big names like Lloyd-Webber (Jesus Christ Superstar), and modern hits too (The Greatest Showman). We've got the classic Disney fairytale, Beauty & The Beast, alongside possibly the biggest and most well-known musical of the last fifty years, Les Misérables. 


Recorded remotely, with each singer singing their own part at home before sending them to be mixed together, this album is a testament to the ingenuity and dedication of our singers. We're thrilled to be able to share it with you. 

Musicals (digital download)

  • As this is a digital file, we cannot accept returns.

  • The digital download is provided as a ZIP file, which contains each song as a separate MP3 file. For information on how to unZIP the file, search online.

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